Fashion. Creations. Vintage. Opinions. Self love. Photography. Advice. Festivals. Body image. Friends.

Monday, April 26, 2010


When I find something I love I usually dive headfirst and get lost for quite sometime in a sea of secluded BLISS and excitement. I never know what is going to trigger my fancy but when it comes, it's usually here to stay. The strangest part about all my true "loves" is that they are hardly inspired by someone(or at least not someone I know) I just get a bug tickling me and I have to scratch the itch.

I feel like I hit some sort of underground landmine with Well, mainly just browsing the people section.

I love the idea of being fashion forward. I feel that clothing is a way of expressing who you are and it's a lovely form of art!

These are my current favorites:
-Floral prints
-Mixed eras
-high waists

Take a look at these beautiful ladies!

What a joy to know that other girls resonate on my same fashion wavelength!

Soon I will be posting my own fashion creations too!

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