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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Postsecret in SEATTLE, WA.

I recently found out that Frank Warren of Post Secret will be speaking at Seattle University on Thursday! I almost jumped out of my chair and did a happy dance:)! They will be letting students in first THEN the general public. I am crossing my fingers that I get a spot before it fills up.

I am not quite sure why I am sooooo drawn to postsecret. Most people seem to relate to it because of something specific that happened to them. I however, don't really have anything specific I need help or healing with. I love it because it is helping so many young people around the world.

It is so important for people to let go of negative feelings and energy in their lives. Life is so short, fulfilling your dreams and loving yourself is KEY! The sooner you let go of something OR someone who is holding you back...the sooner you can start achieving your goals and dreams.

Here are a few of my favorites:

A nice message and an old Seattle post card:)

Memories are what make us who we are today. They don't hold us back.

Put trust in yourself LONG before others.

Freedom to choose your own pathway is such a luxury.

What a darling vintage photo!

That's the ONLY way to think:)

Now, it's time to live your dreams and live them well.

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